Parasites and Sleep

Parasites And Sleep

"80% of my clients have parasites, and getting rid of them is crucial for sleep" - Christine Hansen (me)

parasites and sleep

helicobacter pylori . . . lovely

What Are Parasites?

Parasites are simple organisms that have evolved to live in host animals and humans. They are unable to generate their own food or energy and so are reliant on their host for their survival.Numerous parasites in our environment have evolved to live on our skin, in our hair, or by entering our body. Many of these parasites are most active when their hosts are sleeping at three or four a.m.

Parasitic Worms

Parasitic worms are extremely small and can happily thrive inside our bodies undetected. Drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food is the most common way to ingest their eggs, however, some young worms or their larvae are capable of penetrating our body via the skin.After entering the body, the worms hatch from the eggs and cause sickness, usually by syphoning off nutrition from our body before it is digested starving their hosts of nutrition. Worms can also spread to other parts of the body, such as the blood and the liver, compromising their function.In the initial stages of a parasitic infestation, patients typically experience abdominal distress, burning sensations, diarrhoea and fluid loss. When the parasitic infection progresses from the early stage to a chronic form, sufferers may experience intense burning, cramping, abdominal bloating and constipation.Other symptoms include increased food craving, rapid weight loss and fluctuating blood sugar levels. If left untreated parasite infections can lead to sleep disorders depression and heightened feelings of anxiety.

Sleep Disorders And Parasites

Parasites in the intestinal tract are a trigger for insomnia. Their presence undermines the nervous system, which regulates sleep patterns, causing sleep issues. Their presence also set your immune system into motion, generating in spike in cortisol which is your wake up hormone. Not very handy to have at 3am!Research indicates parasites may also generate high levels of ammonia in the brain. The brain then lacks an essential enzyme ornithine curbamyl-transferase, which transforms ammonia into urea in the liver and kidneys. Ornithine, an ammonia reducer, can induce sleep in sleep-deprived persons. After eliminating a parasitic infestation, sleep quality is usually greatly improved.Grinding your teeth in your sleep is another sign of a possible parasite infestation. Teeth grinding, also called bruxism, may occur while you sleep due to anxiety and restlessness caused by the toxins and waste released by the parasites into their host’s body.

Final Observation

If you wake frequently during the night particularly between two and three AM, you may be experiencing the body's attempts to eliminate parasitic toxic waste via the liver. These hours are when the liver function is most active. Sleep disturbances may also be caused by nighttime exits of some parasitic forms through the anus, resulting in heightened discomfort and itchiness. If you exhibit any of these symptoms get in touch with me or / and your physician.


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