Holistic sleep coaching options for women battling burnout, brain fog, & even… bloat.

You're done searching the internet for answers and trying supplements that don't work. You want answers. Let’s get to the root of your sleep issues and nip them before you become burned out.

Frustrated woman

Introducing, Sleep Like A Boss! 

The proven method combining functional testing and coaching makes you feel like your old self again - only better. No more sleepless nights and miserable mornings. And all that without going to bed at 8:30 PM, spending thousands on sleep gadgets, teas, sound machines and “meditating” all day.

Doctor analyzing data

How does it work?

The Sleep Like A Boss Method combines functional health testing and coaching to get to what is messing with your sleep & energy. Because data, a plan, and accountability are what work (even if you’ve already tried everything).

We dig way deeper than your doctor likely ever did. We look into your gut health, hormones, liver function, minerals & heavy metals. Because bacterial overgrowth, candida, parasites, low sex hormones, mineral deficiencies, and a sluggish liver can all cause or contribute to sleep issues and low energy.

What is included

The Sleep Like A Boss program is a 6-month program combining functional testing and coaching.

$4000 USD | $4500 CAD*

There are interest-free payment plan options available.
*Plus tax for Canadian residents.

The Tests

  • 1 x DUTCH Hormone Test 

  • 1x GI MAP Stool Test 

  • 1x Neurotransmitter Test 

  • 1x Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

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The Plan

Based on your test results and symptoms, I will build you a custom playbook of natural supplements, diet tweaks, lifestyle hacks, and science-backed sleep-boosting tips to restore your energy and sleep.

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The Coaching

You will have bi-weekly sessions with me to help you implement your plans, stay on track, and address any concerns.

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The Support

You get six months of access to me as your coach in your back pocket. Having an accountability partner has been shown to increase people’s chances of achieving a goal by 95%. My clients love this!

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If you’re ready to kick butt at your job, reach your big goals, crush the cravings, ditch the brain fog.

The Sleep Like a Boss program is for you.


  • I primarily work with clients in the US, Canada, and Europe. If you are interested but are located in a different part of the world, please send me an inquiry via the contact page, and we can see if I can help.

  • Most clients see a significant improvement in their energy within a couple of weeks. The average time for continuous good sleep is 3 -4 months. However, there are variations of this depending on the individual.

  • No. All test kits are shipped to you and can be done from home.

  • Yes, I offer a 6-month interest-free payment plan through my clinic. For all US clients: you can also apply for a 15-month interest-free plan via the Advance Care Card.